When I wrote an article attempting to answer the question of why Ottery was doing so well, I mentioned that one of the reasons for this town's success was the hard work put in by traders to provide excellent and innovative services that make people want to return.

Some may think that my love for this town causes me to be overly enthusiastic and unrealistic at times. However, this is not the case, and to prove it, this week I will be writing about two places in town that have taken the hospitality service to new heights by offering something special and inspiring that caters to the needs of not only this town but the entire country: the Coffee Bank and the Silver Otter.

When you speak to Louise Jones, the manager and driving force behind the Coffee Bank, and her team, you quickly understand why everything they offer has the seal of her enthusiasm. I was curious about how the idea for the Coffee Bank was born, as well as their goals and plans for the future.

“The Coffee Bank was born out of a conversation with the landlord of the building, of an idea of needing somewhere in town for caregivers to enjoy a “hot” drink (we know those drinks that get left to go cold as we enjoy being with our little people) a yummy treat and safe spot for play, interaction and learning after a business we loved when our children were small was unfortunately no longer in business. I wanted to try and create this and more, more than a coffee shop. Running an independent business can be really hard at times, a real balancing act whilst you try to be each role in work and home life but bringing what we bring to our community, helping each customer, charities and beyond, with passion and care brings my dream to life, my team are amazing, and the shop wouldn’t be what it is without them, past and present or the wonderful people who walk through the door each day. I love that there is somewhere for all in Ottery with our differing shops, which means we all work well together.”

Talking to Helen Holmes Able2achieve Ltd Enterprise Coordinator although the Silver Otter is not only a café but a Learning Centre supporting adults to learn through work preparation, still you find the same enthusiasm that seem to be the trade mark of these two places. I asked Helen how they manage to combine serving customers and training staff, especially when the café is so busy.

“It can be a difficult balancing act sometimes, but given the compliments we receive, I am confident we are succeeding. We invest a lot of time in understanding our learners’ individuals, building on their strengths and giving them confidence. On the customer’s side, we are very fortunate to have such regulars who recognise the value of what we are doing and support us faithfully. It adds up to a very rewarding role for me, especially when you see their little faces light up when they have reached one of their goals and also when you see the relationship that has developed between the learners and customers.”

The two cafes are situated in the Cultural Triangle, a project very close to my heart that offers history enthusiasts ample opportunities to satisfy their curiosity. It is also an excellent place to relax after touring and relish a "cup of coffee with a twist" while your children play or interact with those learning the tricks of the trade. Whatever you are looking for when visiting the South West, be assured you will find it in Ottery. The harmony among our traders is our secret, reflected in their excellent service! We hope to see you soon.