The premier of the new gaming arena at Ottery's new youth club was an outstanding success during half term.

More than 25 local teenagers travelled to the Station Hub to pit their wits against a whole multitude of games, including experimenting with virtual reality, with vital energy supplied by pizza and chips.

This is a colossal step for the young people of Ottery St Mary, who have been without a youth club for over seven years.

Councillor John Green said, "It's been hard work, but over the last 18 months, the Town Council's Station Hub committee have worked with Space Youth Services to tailor a bespoke service for the teenagers of Ottery St Mary." The club has been a great success, with more people coming every week as word spreads.

The Youth club is open for great activities on Monday nights for Juniors (Years 7 and 8) and Thursday nights for Seniors (Year 9 to 19 years old). Rachel and Elliott welcome attendees from 6.30 pm for two hours, and the club is free to attend.