Applications are now open for East Devon communities to apply for a new Green Spaces Fund.

The Green Spaces initiative is the latest phase of the Community Matters Fund run by National Grid Electricity Distribution.

The aim of the fund is to support the development of green spaces, encourage more wildlife and biodiversity, improve air quality and reduce noise, as well as delivering health benefits, and creating employment and volunteering opportunities.

The fund will award grants of up to £2,000 for unregistered organisations. Registered charities and eligible non-profit companies can apply for up to £10,000

Applications are welcome from community organisations of all kinds, particularly those supporting vulnerable groups to overcome barriers to accessing green spaces. Projects that create volunteering opportunities for members of the local community are also encouraged to apply.

Jill Russell, Environment Manager at National Grid, said: "We’re committed to empowering communities and promoting sustainability across our region. The launch of the Green Spaces Community Fund is a testament to this commitment and we're excited to support grassroots organisations to create green spaces that benefit everyone. We believe that access to green spaces is essential for the wellbeing of both individuals and communities, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact of this initiative on our communities."

Applications for the Green Spaces Community Fund could include the following:

●     Planting spaces and new allotment creation in existing green spaces

●     Bee banks, bird/bat boxes, wildflowers, ponds, trees, hedges, and other projects to improve biodiversity

●     Development of unused land into green spaces

●     Gardening workshops and allotment activities to bring vulnerable members of the community into green spaces, including sensory or mindfulness garden creation

●     Access pathways, ramps and seating in in parkland or nature reserves

●     Redevelopment of existing green spaces to encourage greater community use

●     Forest school education sessions for young people or craft workshops in nature

●        Innovative approaches to create or develop green spaces for public enjoyment

The closing date for applications is Friday 12 May. For more information about the Green Spaces Community Fund and to apply, please visit