SIR - I have just spent a relaxing weekend with the Isle of Wight bowlers in Sidmouth.

My father lived in Sidmouth for 20 years. In 1993 he died and was buried in your municipal cemetery; we planted daffodils on his grave.

Saturday, September 8 was my third visit to Dad’s grave to place a pot of chrysanthemum by his tablet.

I was horrified at the state of the municipal cemetery. The lower half grass had been strimmed; every grave was covered in dry grass. The upper part, where Dad’s grave is, was yet to be cut.

However, over the last few years, it seems that his tablet has been covered in composting grass. I had to clean it off with what I had, which was only water, a plastic bag and tissues. Looking around I saw many grave stones pushed over, with council notices on them.

That lovely scenic place of rest my dad used to walk through when he moved to Winslade is no more.

A Fermer

Yarmouth, Isle of Wight