I’m sure all of your Sidmouth Herald readers over the last eight weeks have enjoyed all your photographic coverage – it draws us very much together as great-grandparents down to the youngest child or even baby.

Enough said – we do have all age groups in Sidmouth/Sidford/Sidbury, etc – some more visible than others!

But what of our many school heads/teachers and learning assistants plus many ‘backstage’ sewing and ‘making’ volunteers – it takes great discipline and skill to crocodile the performers to their venues (and often this year in the lashing rain).

With all the demands of Ofsted and a seemingly ‘ever changing’ curriculum, there has been long patient coaching and talent spotting for major roles for months from September class changes.

Well done, to the happy, thoughtful, wistful, dramatic toddlers to youths, but, having teachers in my five offspring – it was Sidmouth; here in East Devon; they were born and led to their present ‘give back’ roles.

And though some teachers have ‘retired’, sorry – just found new OAP positions in our flourishing ‘what’s on’ – our current staff and educators are brilliant and dedicated and do work for hours – after and before school time.

And when reports are written and parent evenings over, the holidays (many of us envy) are used to plan the very hectic next-term pressures.

J Speers
