SIR - My husband and I were on holiday in Sidmouth over Christmas and New Year. Unfortunately, I slipped on the ice on Christmas Eve and sustained a broken wrist.

I was helped by a most pleasant young woman who was shopping with a friend and her small daughter. She ‘phoned for an ambulance and stayed with me until it arrived, making sure that I was warm enough and comfortable.

Someone from the Lantern Shop provided a chair, for which I was very grateful. I did later go into the shop to thank them, but have no way of contacting the young lady who was so kind.

She lives in Newton Poppleford and I do hope that this message reaches her.

After Christmas, my sister, who was also staying with us, went to the Forever England shop to buy a pillow for me to rest my arm on the car journey home.

The assistant there simply gave her an unwanted cushion, an act of kindness we find typical of people in Sidmouth.

I do hope that my thanks will reach all those concerned and we look forward to visiting Sidmouth again before too long.

Lynda Redfern

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