I would like to reply to the letter from Philip Harlow (“Why make cycle parking an issue”, Opinion, June 13).

If Philip had attended the meeting of the town council on November 4, 2013, he would have no doubt been pleased when the council debated the request from Devon County Council for comments on the installation of additional cycle stands within the town, during which I spoke in support of such improvements – and also that DCC provide stands that were more user-friendly for all types of cycles.

Also at the recent town council meeting when I put my questions to Councillor Stuart Hughes as the county councillor for highways.

If the item in the Herald had been written in the context of the question which was put to Cllr Stuart Hughes, not his reply, he would realise that my question was for an update on DCC-proposed additional cycle stands in and around the town.

My disappointment was that the recently installed new finger posts, which I must say have enhanced many locations within the town and the railings on the seafront, were being used as impromptu bike stands when we should be providing those facilities for cyclists (Herald, June 6, page nine).

To reassure Philip, I support those who are able to use a cycle within the valley, and do not wish to dissuade them from doing so.

David Addis

Town Councillor

Primley Ward