MADAM - I cannot agree more with Mr Lee of Manor Road that we are owed an explanation as to what is going on at Sidmouth Town Council.

MADAM - I cannot agree more with Mr Lee of Manor Road that we are owed an explanation as to what is going on at Sidmouth Town Council.

Their precept has risen by a whopping 12.4 per cent more than last year. They are now spending nearly as much as Exmouth Council which has more than double our population! As much as 30 per cent of their budget falls under undisclosed 'other services' and another 29 per cent is for 'administration'.

You would think that our town councillors would be at pains, in these days of credit crunch, to pre-empt criticism and explain to their constituents just how they can justify such a mammoth increase but NO; are they just sitting there hoping no one will notice? Any pensioner in the town can assure them that they are very much mistaken.

Michael Rose

DPAF Treasurer

Sidcliffe Farmhouse

Sid Road
