Madam - On October 7, at 2.35pm, I parked my car down the bottom of Sid Park Road in Sidmouth. I got the pram out then I got my daughter out of the car (she s just two).

Madam - On October 7, at 2.35pm, I parked my car down the bottom of Sid Park Road in Sidmouth. I got the pram out then I got my daughter out of the car (she's just two). As I was putting on her coat whilst she was standing, I saw two ladies getting out of their cars, and their dogs jumped out and ran straight at us. Both dogs were all over me and my two-year-old daughter.

One was a biggish black dog, the other a collie cross. I had to put my arm out to try to get them away from my daughter. The ladies walked down and softly called them.

I said to them 'shouldn't your dogs be on leads in the Byes? They shouldn't be allowed to come at children'. One of the ladies said 'well yes'.

I told her that I was very angry that they had allowed their dogs to come at me and my daughter, and asked them if they watch the news with all the dog attacks being reported. I told them they were very irresponsible to allow dogs to run at children. What would happen if they bit my daughter? They walked off.

I'm so upset. I love taking my girls down the Byes because it is generally safe for them to run around. I always played there as a child.

Now I'm frightened to allow them to run and play because of the dogs running about. Dog owners should have their dogs on leads in the Byes.

Is it going to take a dog to attack a child for something to be done?

Miss Kim Clark

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