Dr Boggia’s letter (“Believing the Bible, Opinion, April 12) seems to claim that if the Genesis account of creation is not literally true, then redemption by faith in Jesus is null and void.

This is the sad but logical conclusion of faulty ‘fundamentalist’ theology.

This universe is unimaginably ancient and Earth itself is over four billion years old. Evidence is overwhelming that life progresses from the simple to the complex, and that humans have been living as hunter-gatherers for at least 100,000 years.

Is Dr Boggia supposing that the vast majority of scientists are deluding themselves, or did God deliberately build a universe of deception?

Nevertheless, the cosmos has a ‘divine purpose’, and was made with a moral structure. God made the universe with death in mind – it has nothing to do with Adam and Eve or a talking serpent.

The ‘Fall’ and the ‘Curse’ corresponds with entropy – the law of decay that governs all things and originates from the ‘Big Bang’ itself.

Similarly, the original sin of Genesis is passed down the generations through our genetic inheritance, and is a product of natural selection.

By following the example of Jesus and having faith in his forgiveness, we can escape the bondage to a flawed universe and return to our heavenly home.

Now, let us have a modern theology that, at least, does not ignore scientific evidence.

Roger H Brown
