SIR As a caravan owner, I am heartened by the enthusiasm for nearly 200 floating motor homes located within easy viewing distance of Sidmouth s seafront.

SIR - As a caravan owner, I am heartened by the enthusiasm for nearly 200 floating motor homes located within easy viewing distance of Sidmouth's seafront.I am also puzzled. It has been suggested that somehow the only access [to a marina] would be by sea. Is this so that the long-term objective of a peaceful and pedestrianised Esplanade would not be compromised?How would tonnes of food and beverages be transported? Would Waitrose and Somerfield offer to deliver on each high tide?Disposal of tonnes of plastic packaging, cubic metres of sewage and thousands of empty glass bottles are practical issues that have already been raised. We hear fine words about partnership policing but neither simple problems of litter on the streets and on the beach nor the more vexing question of dog mess have been adequately addressed. Experience elsewhere suggests the inhabitants of the proposed marina could not be adequately policed. Our local marine environment would be the next to be degraded.Stephen J WozniakPackhorse Close SidfordSidmouth