SIR - I wonder if the Council could look beyond the fund-raising potential of parking meters and see that, ultimately, their income will be severely depleted if we lose any more businesses.

This will surely be the outcome if people are further discouraged from shopping in our town and these measures should not even be considered until a satisfactory public transport alternative is in place - ideally, two or three small buses constantly running through from the car parks and outlying residential areas.

On a recent visit to Bradford-on-Avon, near Bath, I noticed that their Council offers two free hours parking to encourage both visitors and residents to support their local businesses, (a ticket must be displayed, showing time of arrival, so that the system is not abused).

What a great idea - two hours is sufficient time to visit the library, collect a prescription, maybe have a cup of coffee and then do one’s shopping in some of our excellent, independent, local shops.

It is in our interest - and the Council’s - that we use them before we lose them.

Christina Gittins

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