SIR - Re: The Knowle. East Devon District Council laughingly refers to a consultation exercise. They say that one’s hearing is the last thing to go. Sadly, with councillors, once elected, they appear to hear very little.

In the same way they appear to have deficient eyesight, otherwise how could they consider destruction on a massive scale of the buildings and surrounding park. Viewed from the golf course, or from Salcombe Hill, the distinctive yellow structure really stands out.

Thank heavens for landscape gardeners of the past, such as Capability Brown, who created the most wonderful parklands, knowing that, within their own lifetime, they would not see the full results of their labours, but planned for the benefit of future generation.

Centuries to create and mature and literally days to destroy; is this what we really want?

Think again, council, and stop procrastinating on the real cost of updating the existing premises to a satisfactory state.

Peter Atkinson

Knowle Drive, Sidmouth