SIR - Re: Scout planning application for New Building in the Salcombe Regis Field.

I have written to the Town Council and the District Council Central Team and letters have to be in by November 1 for objections to putting a new Scout Headquarters right out of town, up a remote long hill, with no street lighting, security problems due to remoteness and likely need of permanent security lights polluting the sky and costing money, access only by car, no buses go up there and it is too steep and dark to cycle and too far and steep to walk..

From a planning point of view, it would be yet more buildings and tarmac in our AONB without extenuating circumstances and without a public footpath, bike track or bus for easy public access.

I am hoping that other people can also see the folly of doing this, when the field is ideal for summer camping and playing and the development of outdoor skills and rural challenges so necessary to scouting ethos and personal challenge.

Lois Kelly

Coastguards Cottage, Laskeys Lane, Sidmouth