I feel incensed that Councillor Roger Giles is being castigated as a rebel, has allegedly broken rules, is accused of “blowing his own trumpet” and should concentrate on working with the other members of Ottery St Mary Town Council “team” (I use the word loosely).

I am fully aware of all the hard work that Roger has done on behalf of the Ottery district community over many years and in my opinion the press and the public should not be excluded from these meetings.

Why indeed is the town council so adamant on excluding the press and public from meetings with developers? What are they afraid of ?

There appears to be a determination to throttle any democratic process from the outset by those who think they can reign supreme.

I urge Roger Giles to stand steadfast and to resist the baying pack of hounds who are unjustly demanding his resignation.

Power to your elbow, Roger – you have much more support in our community than you may think! Just wait until the next elections!

George Bradford

West Hill