In response to Dr Duncan Hall’s letter to the Herald on January 31, I should like to voice my support for an independent pharmacy at the new site at Stowford Health Centre.

I am currently a user of the Sidford Health Centre, so it will affect my future use. To have a joined-up service is beneficial to patients.

I recently was so impressed when I assisted a friend who needed both doctor and nurses’ services at the Blackmoor Health Centre.

They treated my friend with the utmost sensitivity and consideration, enabling her to have all that was required in investigations to be carried out at the one visit.

In other places she may have needed to make various other appointments, but no – they ensured we were not at all inconvenienced.

Thank you so much for our wonderful team of health carers. I do hope that common sense (a rare commodity these days) will prevail and that the pharmacy will be granted the required licence.

Joyce Missing