More than 60 new homes could be built on a site in the south of Ottery St Mary, if new planning proposals are given the go ahead. 

Applicant ALD Developments Ltd has lodged a planning application with East Devon District Council seeking outline planning permission for the development of 63 new dwellings and associated infrastructure. 

If the ‘high quality’ development for land east of Sidmouth Road is given the go ahead, the planning documents say half of those homes built will be classed as affordable housing. 

The site is made up of around 2.6-hectares of greenfield land. 

The outline application seeks approval based on the principal of development with all matters, except access, to be subject of future reserved matters planning applications. 

The design and access statement said: “The site is irregular in shape and comprises three parcels of land. The northern and eastern boundaries of the site are demarcated by existing hedgerows, while the western boundary is formed by Sidmouth Road. The southern boundary comprises Gerway Lane and the curtilages of two existing properties. 

“Whilst the proposals represent an acceptable land use due to the surrounding residential environment this could result in potential conflicts with adjoining dwellings. The proposals will need to be designed carefully to avoid unacceptable impact on the amenity of adjoining residents.” 

The document also mentions that 45 dwellings were given the go ahead in 2014. on the opposite side of Sidmouth Road at the former Gerway Nurseries.  

A separate planning statement submitted with the application said: “In order to reflect the character of the area the proposed dwellings are two-storey in height and will also be consistent in in terms of mass and style with the recently permitted development to the west.” 

People have until Friday, October 21, to have their say on the proposals and can do so by visiting 

Ottery St Mary Town Council’s planning committee will be asked for their consultative views ahead of the application being decided by East Devon District Council.