This week I’d like to draw your attention to the important role I have in commissioning services to prevent crime and help victims recover.

These proposals are laid out in my Commissioning Intentions Plan which explains how I raise the money for these essential services and gives clarity and transparency on our spending.

Some of that spending relates to my legal duty to provide services for all victims of crime across Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, but it also supports work to reduce violence, antisocial behaviour, drugs use and improve road safety – the community priorities laid out in the 2021-25 Police and Crime Plan.

The plan is a publicly available document and can be read under ‘Key Documents’ on my website.

In the year to April 2022, the last year for which figures are available, there were 70,709 victims of crime identified by Devon and Cornwall Police and 41,112 victims supported by services I commission.

In that year the Serious Violence Prevention Partnership – established to combat a worrying rise in violent crime - supported 1,890 young people and funded 30 projects.

Commissioning also supports core policing activity. For example, a new service was recently established which focuses on supporting registered sex offenders to reduce reoffending and change behaviours.

The total funding for our commissioned services in the next financial year will be £9.2m and more than a third of this money will go towards Victim Support, a professional charity in a long-term strategic partnership with my office.

But I will always ensure there is funding available for the smaller organisations who play such a vital role in our communities, particularly relating to helping young people. This funding is via a community grant scheme and a fund made up from the sale of property seized from criminals.

While these sums may be relatively small, I never underestimate the impact they can have, because the money goes to those who understand and care most about where they live.

The Cornwall Community Foundation, up until February 22, 2023, are offering small grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 for Cornish organisations who can help reduce antisocial behaviour related to drug use.

Details of how to apply are available from my office or the Cornwall Community Foundation online.

If you have been a victim of crime and would like information on practical and emotional support then please contact Victim Support on 08 08 16 89 111 or