It is billed as 'the totally awesome musical', and Sidmouth Youth Theatre certainly lived up to this description with their 48th production, Back to the 80’s, at the Manor Pavilion Theatre.

The period was clear from the start with giant Rubix cubes  and a huge ghetto blaster, as the 'house music' threw the audience right back to this time of legwarmers, video tapes, Star Wars, and Ninja Turtles!

Sidmouth Herald:

The opening number Kids in America, with a few bars of the American National Anthem, featured the whole ensemble and placed the location immediately.

The story centred around high school student Corey Palmer, his love for class-mate Tiffany, and his failure to become Year President, as he was thwarted at every move by the more popular but devious Michael!

Sidmouth Herald:

Jacob Green made an amiable and instantly likeable Corey, James Adesina a confident brash Michael, and both were well supported by their individual 'sidekicks'.

Sidmouth Herald:

Alex Denning as Feargal stood out from the outset with his geeky spectacles, 'suspenders' and striking tank top. His obsession with technology, prediction for the future and the 'world wide web' was thought-provoking in its reality! He  was excellently supported by his 'groupies', Bronwyn Aires and Pippa Nicholls as Laura and Debbie, who were simply delightful.

Three former students effectively took the adult roles. Cameron Retter played the  grown up Corey popping up throughout to reflect on his younger self, and Molly Morton and Mark Rose made excellent love-struck teachers.

The singing, dancing and costumes were first class. Everything flowed and there were  some wonderful moments and rousing cheerleaders. The Star Wars sequence with Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, complete with light-sticks, was particularly memorable.

Sidmouth Herald:

With 70 youngsters on stage, 15 behind the scenes, and a six-piece band in the wings, this was simply an amazing “tour de force” by director and producer Angela Davies.

Sidmouth Herald:

Everyone worked well together, danced, and sang with energy and enthusiasm giving a true 'company' feel to the whole show. The prom scene at the end made for a perfect finale, and the whole cast and audience alike most certainly Had the Time of Their Life!