Winter might not seem the ideal time to be outside with a camera - after all, cold hands, red nose and dreary weather are less inspiring than a warm, blue-sky day. However, as these images captured by Sidmouth Photography Club members show, this time of year offers great opportunities for photographers of all abilities (and equipment) to capture the wonders of winter.

Sidmouth Herald:

One advantage of coastal living is the rarity of snowfall, but when we do find ourselves in a wintery scene - here or elsewhere - a few tweaks can help prevent a camera being deceived by all that white. Try experimenting with white balance settings (‘cloudy’ etc) and shoot a variety of exposures, using features such as bare trees or a snow-covered object to provide a focal point.

Of course, a fresh layer of snow free of footprints will generally be more appealing than a well-trodden, slushy path, so venturing out early will pay off. The same is true for frost and fog, which seldom lingers – making these chilly conditions some of the most rewarding subjects for camera-wielding early risers and dog walkers.

Sidmouth Herald:

Many famous photos have been taken in the rain and in Britain we rarely let a downpour deter us. Brave the wet, and rain-streaked windows, puddles and reflections provide endless opportunities for abstract images.

Sidmouth Herald:

Another great way to take stunning winter photos is to use a vibrant sunrise or sunset to silhouette objects or people. The difference between warm and cool tones can be striking and shorter daylight hours offer more convenient dawn and dusk shooting times.

For those who prefer to stay cosy at home, a popular photography club pastime is the ‘mini-project’ – putting the skills we already have to the test to create our own memories by shooting favourite items such as a collection of everyday items, flowers, food, pets or even garden visitors.

Who knew winter could be so much fun!

Information about Sidmouth Photography Club’s weekly meetings and activities can be found at