Four members of the First Sidmouth Brownies have received the highest award possible for their level.

Edie, Indie, Alice and Nonna have achieved the Gold Award, which girls work towards throughout their time as Brownies.

They join the Brownies aged seven and can become Guides at the age of 10. As Brownies they can complete six themed badges: Know Yourself, Express Yourself, Be Well, Have Adventures, Take Action and Skills For My Future. Each theme involves an interest badge, a skills builder and four hours of activities.

Those who gain all six badges then have to visit a Rainbows unit, for girls aged between five and seven, and organise an activity for them, to qualify for the Gold award.

District commissioner for the Girl Guides Grace Essex said: "It is an amazing achievement, putting together all that they have learnt into practice.

"They are able to wear the badge on their new Guide Uniform, so it is taken with them on their new adventure."