Year 2 pupils at Sidmouth Primary School held a party last week to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. 

Children across the school took part in a range of activities. This included letter-writing, crownmaking, lessons focused on the history of Coronations and much more.

On Friday, the school wore Coronation-themed fancy dress and took part in a party at the school.

The school also coloured-in pictures of the King's head - as you can see in the photo gallery.

Here is a selection of poems from five year 2 classes at Sidmouth Primary School.

The King’s Treasure Box - By Rowena Selby, aged 7.

I will put in the box some crowns and jewels 

I will put in the box the King’s gold rings 

I will put in the box some diamonds and crowns 

My box is made of gold and metal 

I will put it in a safe to protect it and do a secret code 

 The King’s Treasure Box - By Owen Gingell, aged 7 

I will put in the box a jewel, sparkly crown 

I will put in the box a big puffy seat 

My box is made of long metal.  

I will write to the King 

 The King’s Treasure Box - By Ben Vincent, aged 7

I will put in the box pearls and shiny, gold crowns and a sparkly, gem necklace 

I will put in the box some shiny, gold cufflinks and a silvery sword 

I will put in the box a diamond and gold St Edward’s crown of all crowns 

My box is made of the shiniest gold, silver and platinum 

I will lock it up in London tower 

The King’s Treasure Box - By Emily Preston, aged 7

I will put in the box a gold crown, it was sparkly 

I will put in the box gold money, it was shiny 

I will put in the box a gold glass drink with gold water inside 

My box is made with colour and pattern 

I will lock my box in my room, in the closet 

The King’s Treasure Box - By Florence Sayles, aged 7

I will put in the box some golden coins, all my armour 

I will put in the box the last of the round chain, the sound of a bird’s song 

I will put in the box my royal art supplies, my royal crown and royal pets with their things 

My box is made of gold, silver, and wood, with gold all around the back 

I will put it in my secret maze, inside the compartment of it, protected by a monster 

If I were King for a Day - By Alfred Rogers, aged 7

If I were king for a day, I would make sure everyone is kind to animals. 

I would end wars and world wars. 

I would give every kid a mum and a dad. 

If I were king for a day, I would have more electric cars. 

I would make people kind. 

I would give more to the poor. 

If I were king for a day, I would make everyone have sweets for a decade 

I would let every country win the world cup! 

If I were king for a Day - By Arthur Prowse, aged 7

If I were king for a day, I would give people free sweets for life. 

I would take my class on a trip to the moon. 

I would make sure everyone had a father and a mother. 

I would give everyone enough money. 

If I were king for a day, I would make robots that do anything you wish for free. 

I would make everyone rich. 

I would make the whole universe rich! 

If I were Queen for a Day - By Tegan McGauley, aged 7

If I were queen for a day, I would plant lots of trees. 

I would plant more flowers. 

I would make sure everyone has a home. 

If I were queen for a day, I would give poor people money. 

I would give free cookies to everyone. 

I would give out free food and water. 

If I were queen for a day, I would let people do whatever they want! 

If I were Queen for the Day - By Brooke White, aged 7. 

If I were queen for a day, I would help poor people who need money. 

I would help all the sick animals to feel better. 

I would pick up litter to make the world clean. 

If I were queen for the day, I would let nobody have covid in the world. 

I would make sure everyone has water and food. 

I would make sure people are not sick. 

If I were queen for a day, I would make everyone smart. 

I would let everyone off school and work. 

If I were queen for the day, I would help to make sure that people take care of the world. 

If I were Queen for a Day - By Amelia Womersley, aged 7.

If I was queen for a day, I would make sure everyone has a friend. 

I would make sure nobody gets hurt. 

I would make a song day. 

If I was queen for a day, I would make sure everyone has money and food. 

I would make sure everybody is happy. 

I would make sure everyone will help animals when they’re sick. 

If I were queen for a day, I would end all wars. 

I would bake cakes for everyone. 

I would make a ‘yes’ day once a day on the 15th April!