The results of a local questionnaire on climate awareness are in – suggesting that many people would like help reducing their carbon footprint.

The Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth (CAPS) asked people their views on climate change and what they were doing to benefit the environment. There were more than 260 responses.

Dave Bramley, the CAPS lead, said: “There is significant motivation to act, although there is also some lack of knowledge and understanding – but it's clear that there's good positive activity already taking place.”

The results of the questionnaire showed that:

· Most people (72 per cent) are concerned about climate change, with the greatest concern amongst the under 25s and over 65s.

· Most people are doing something already to reduce their carbon footprint, but that is dependent partly on age. The most common things are walking or cycling rather than driving, and changes to diet to eat more local/seasonal food with less meat. Most would like to do more.

· About half the people would like additional financial support to help them reduce their carbon footprint and a third want more detailed technical advice. There were lots of suggestions about how local or national Government can help.

Local residents and visitors were encouraged to participate in the questionnaire with the promise of a £100 prize draw – and the winning entry was drawn on Friday, June 30 by Simon Jupp MP. The prize went to Diana, a Sid Valley resident.

CAPS – a partnership between Sidmouth town Council and various other organisations – is now encouraging people to find out more about how their lifestyle affects climate change.

Chris Lockyear, chair of Sidmouth Town Council, said: “Climate change threatens our way of life. It is causing extreme weather conditions and rising sea levels and is challenging the natural world to adapt to higher temperatures and changes to rainfall patterns.

“Sidmouth Town Council wants to encourage the community to engage with climate change.

“It is important for us all to know where we are in this journey and so the council is suggesting that we try out a carbon footprint calculator to understand how each of us might be able to help.”

The calculator can be found at

It consists of a questionnaire with three levels - a one-minute snapshot, a five-minute version, and an in-depth 45 minute exploration of their lifestyle.

Dave Bramley said: “When you are done, do please come back and tell us about it.

“We're interested in your reaction to the results. And if you are willing, we would love to do a short interview with you.”