Ottery St Mary’s Tar Barrels event takes place on Saturday, November 4.

Last year saw a record number of people attending, and the organisers say they are expecting another good year.

The first barrels will be rolled at 4pm, with some roads being closed from 3.30pm. Details of the road closures can be found on the Tar Barrels website. The bonfire will be lit at 6.30pm.

The organisers have one over-riding message for anyone driving to Ottery for the barrels: use the designated car parks.

In past years there have been problems with people parking on the roads leading into Ottery. These roads are emergency evacuation routes and have to be kept clear.

The organisers have thanked everyone who supports the Tar Barrels, including Ottery Town Council which provided a £10,000 grant.

They’re asking the businesses that will benefit from the event to make a donation to help secure its future.

Supporters can also buy a range of Tar Barrels merchandise from the shop in Silver Street or online.

This year has seen the launch of two wines – a red and a white – with the Tar Barrels label; these are available from the shop and the Volunteer Inn.

Here are the details of the road closures and other advice for visitors to Tar Barrels, from the event organisers:

Road closures come into force at two different times this year, the 1st at 3:30pm and 2nd at 5:00pm. All the closures coming into Ottery will be manned and blocked. There will be limited access for residents only to the following:

Toadpit Lane and Foxenhole via Bendarroch Road Only, Barrack Rd end of Toadpit lane will be closed.

King’s Reach from West Hill or the Fluxton via Salston Cross.

Thorne Farm Way from West Hill or the Fluxton via Salston Cross along by King’s Reach and right onto Barrack Rd and then into Thorne Farm Way.

Salston Barton from West Hill or the Fluxton via Salston Cross.

We urge anyone traveling between Salston Cross and Thorne Farm Way to exercise extreme caution due to the extra pedestrians.

If you are a resident of King’s reach, Thorne Farm Way and Salton Barton and arriving home after 5pm please ensure you have proof of your address with you so that our Marshalls can allow you through the road closure.

If you are unable to access your home please use the car parks provided, pay the £10.00, and ask for a receipt to be able to claim your money back. Or make prior arrangements to enable yourselves to leave or get back in time.

If any resident inside the road closures has an emergency and has to leave the town while the event is on there is a contact number to call: 01404 813838. I must stress only in an emergency. This number will be manned between 2pm – 1am. We have all the resources at hand to help you, should you require it.

If you use public transport, be aware that services will be disrupted and you should check with the service provider for details. There will be no additional late night buses if you are planning to travel in for the event by bus. Taxis and buses can Drop Off and Collect from Salston Cross and there will be lighting throughout Strawberry Lane.

The 3:30pm closure will affect the following streets and cul-de-sacs:

Jesu St at the Tip Hill Junction, Yonder St (Bridgefield) at the Slade Road and Furzebrook junction, Brook St at the Silver St junction, Sandhill St at the Cornhill Gold St junction, all the way through New Street on to the Furzebrook junction.

This closure will also affect New Lane below the Sunnyhill junction, Spring Gardens, Brookdale, Beauvale Close, Chapel Lane, Yonder Close, Plume of Feathers Close, Hollis Close and Batts Lane. This will enable the rest of the town to move freely around this area allowing the junior Tar barrels to start at 4:00pm.

The 5pm closure will affect the following streets:

Exeter Road, Barrack Road, Cadhay Lane, Fairmile Lane, Strawberry Lane, West Hill Road, Mill Street, Canaan Way, Hind Street, Broad Street, Silver Street, the Flexton, Cornhill, Paternoster Row, Gold Street, Tip Hill, Millcroft, Higher Spring Gardens, Gosford Road, Bendarroch Road, Toadpit Lane, Claremont Field, Thorne Farm Way, Hansford Way, Elliot Close, Godfrey Close, Ferguson Close and Taylor Close.

There is a free route around the town; Longdogs Lane, Slade Road, Chineway Road, Kennaway Road into Ridgeway onto North St and Butts Hill or vice versa.

Should any changes occur prior to or during the event, please keep an eye on our web and social media sites. Twitter @otterytarbarrel, Facebook friends of carnival and barrel night, and Ottery Matters UK.

Our aim, as always, is to keep the disruption to a minimum whilst ensuring the safety of pedestrians and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you are attending please have cash available on you as some vendors struggle to take card payment.