The Coffee Bank in Ottery St Mary held a series of festive events in the run-up to Christmas, including a wreath making evening, carol singing and a children’s storytelling session.

The wreath making event was hosted by Lydia Baileys and saw 10 people making festive creations from holly, pine cones, berries, dried fruits and colourful, glittery decorations. Mince pies and hot drinks were served. Café owner Louise Jones said: "We had a fantastic night, and everyone produced an amazing Christmas wreath.  We will definitely be running this again next year."

Sidmouth Herald: The finished wreaths

The Christmas singalong was led by the Rev'd Lydia Cook and members of the Ottery St Mary's Church Choir, who came along to entertain customers. They provided songbooks and a backing track.

Sidmouth Herald: Carol singing session

Louise said: “We love to have Rev'd Lydia Cook and her choir here, it is now a Christmas tradition.  The customers and their kids always join in the singing too."

Sidmouth Herald: Children's storytelling

Just before Christmas the café, which is known for its child friendly atmosphere and kids’ play area, hosted a sensory storytelling session with Adventure Babies Devon. This included plenty of stimulus for the children and toddlers: toys to play with, noise-activated lights and objects to touch and cuddle.  Babychinos (frothy milk) and biscuits were on hand, with tea or coffee for the adults. Louise said it had been another successful, fun event in the run-up to Christmas, and thanked Shell from Adventure Babies Devon for coming along.