Every day in the Sid Valley, someone will reach out to a local charity for help and support in coping with their own or a loved one’s health and wellbeing concerns.

Sometimes people know where to get support, but other times, they do not know where to turn. Would you know where to go?

Sid Valley HELP provides a free and confidential information and signposting service to all types of health and care support and activities for all age groups. Phone us on 01395 892011 or email sidvalleyhelp@gmail.com or visit our website www.sidvalleyhelp.org.uk . Alternatively, you can seek information in the Sidmouth Hospice at Home Information Centre in the High Street.

Another key part of our provision is a Befriending service for those that are isolated and lonely, regardless of their age. Our service uses volunteers to visit people at home who are housebound or isolated due to illness, disability or other reasons that stop them going out and being involved socially. Volunteers will spend about an hour once a week or once a fortnight meeting up with people in their home for a chat. If you would like someone to visit you at home on a regular basis, then contact us to find out more.

Loneliness is a problem for all age groups and is a priority for Sid Valley HELP. Feeling lonely may affect us all at some time in our lives. It may be people who are recently bereaved or separated, who have few friends, have recently moved here, have a long-term illness or a disability or who have maybe lost their confidence to go out and meet people. This situation has worsened since Covid when many people lost their confidence. There are many activities in the valley that support people who can get out and about. Currently many venues are offering a warm space for meeting to have soup, tea or coffee with a roll or cake. Sidmouth has a wonderful support structure.

We need more volunteers who wish to spend about an hour once a week or once a fortnight with people in their home for a chat. If you know of people that might be lonely, tell them about what we offer. Every fortnight I will describe different activities that we offer. Please support Sid Valley HELP to raise money to provide help for the lonely and socially isolated. Donation information is available on our website www.sidvalleyhelp.org.uk