Firstly, Happy new year! Can we still say that? I hope the start of the new year has gone well for you.

Let me introduce myself – I am Charlotte Westlake and I am the Youth Work Coordinator at Sidmouth Youth Centre.

I have been part of Young Devon and the youth centre for two years now. I am part of a team which runs three youth work sessions a week from the Manstone site.

Myself, Chris and Quinn opened the doors back up, after the Christmas break (wow, that seems like a distant memory now).

It has been great welcoming new and old members back into the centre.

For those of you who don’t know what we do here at The Sidmouth Youth Centre – I thought I would explain a bit about each of our sessions.

Each Tuesday (term time only) we particularly focus on delivering a programme of targeted skills sessions.

The idea behind these sessions, as well as engaging young people in new skill development, was also as an opportunity to engage with the wider members of the community.

Do you have a skill or interest that you would like to share with a group of young people? We would love to hear from you if it's something you think you may like to get involved with.

It could be a one-off talk, an interactive session or regular attendance. We are currently looking for all types of volunteers.

These sessions are open to all ages (year 6s up). Current and new members are welcome. We have lots of fun and creative activities already planned for this term.

Wednesdays are our open access sessions for the senior group (year 8s up). And Fridays are for the juniors (years 6s and 7s).

During these sessions young people enjoy playing pool, being with their friends and having access to our café.

It is a safe space where young people can come and talk with the youth workers about school worries, friendships, relationships and anything that may be going on in their lives.

If you’d like to find out more about what we do please get in touch by either popping by the youth centre. 

Wednesdays are a good day, or alternately, feel free to give me a call.