Six groups of Spanish students have celebrated half term with a lunch at The Talaton Inn.

This is the first time the group have met together since Covid-19, when lessons moved online.

Organiser Josefina Gori told the Herald: "My classes benefited from the changes, such as saving money on fees, petrol, and time. The ability to connect to Zoom classes from any place in the world was also a great advantage. Nevertheless, one thing became quite notable: the students missed the social contact and the pleasure of knowing they were supporting the local eateries through the end-of-term gatherings they had before the pandemic."

Six groups gathered this year to celebrate the half-term with a Spanish lunch. The choice of venue was based on the Talaton Inn's parking capacity, indoor space, affordable price, and experience in preparing Spanish tapas, which made it easier to accommodate such a big group of students, some coming from as far as the Blackdown Hills.

It was a lovely occasion for everybody to meet, as they say in Spanish, "in carne y hueso" (in person) after months of seeing each other only on the computer screen.