Seeing our town highlighted on national television news as a thriving community was incredibly uplifting. The presenter mentioned that Ottery had five new shops open in recent months, with two more set to open at the end of this month. This is a stark contrast to other towns that are struggling with empty shops.

The question posed related to why Ottery is doing so well. The answer is quite simple. In Ottery, there is little room for ideas or projects that fuel individualistic egos. Instead, we take great pride in the community spirit that has made our town famous. Even our well-known annual event, Tar Barrels, celebrates the importance of instilling love and pride in your hometown and its traditions from an early age. This helps to pass on a feeling of community from generation to generation of true Ottregians.

Our traders put in a lot of hard work to provide excellent and innovative services that make people return for more. The residents respond to their efforts by supporting them and choosing to buy locally. The numerous awards won in the last few years in various fields, such as food and drink, hospitality, e-commerce, and conservation, are vivid proof of the constant push for improvement that runs through the service providers for the residents and visitors. This was well shown during the pandemic, when local pubs, eateries, and volunteer organizations, including medical and pharmaceutical services, adapted and diversified to provide for the community, contributing to fewer COVID-19 cases in town.

In addition, many people in our town put in a lot of effort to organize and support events that attract visitors. Furthermore, many individuals selflessly promote Ottery through newspapers and social media, showcasing their skills, crafts, food, farming products, conservation ideas, and more. You only need to visit our Community Market to see the excellent craftsmanship on display or visit our renowned bookshop to explore the vast collection of books written by local writers. As a farming community, Ottery is a perfect place for those who seek fresh, seasonal local produce, and it is complemented by our local beers or perhaps some gin created in honour of one of our first barrelers.

Located close to the coast and surrounded by beautiful countryside, it has been designated as a "Walkers Welcoming Town," with unique walking or cycling routes such as the Coleridge Link and Pixie Parlour Walk. These routes take you through an area of outstanding beauty and lead you to the places that inspired Ottery's most famous resident.

Ottery has been a source of inspiration for poets and known authors. As part of the Cultural Triangle, the town boasts a museum dedicated to its history, a library considered a real success story, a church as beautiful as Exeter Cathedral, the only life-size statue of Coleridge and Queen Victoria Monument. When you walk in the Land of Canaan, you get to walk along the longest poem in the world written on stones. Additionally, you can explore a river that is known for its beavers. The town also has an astonishing conservation area with quaint shops that offer professional and friendly services and constantly attracts new businesses.

Overall, Ottery St Mary is a town with an irresistible charm. As one of our traders pointed out during the program, it boasts a fantastic array of independent businesses, including local butchers, bakers, and hardware shops. It's the kind of place where you can find almost everything you need without leaving town. Despite the challenges posed by rising costs, online shopping, and out-of-town retail centres, Ottery St Mary has managed to thrive, thanks to the community's collaborative efforts. It's a place that reminds us of the importance of working together to achieve common goals.

If that doesn't answer the question, be honest and tell whoever asks again. We all love Ottery, and whatever we do, we do it for this town.