East Devon Luncheon Club held its last meeting of the season, which lasts from October to March each year, at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth.

The speaker was Samantha Stott who gave a talk on the suffragette Emily Davison. She dressed in character as Emily to add some drama to the occasion, including an original 'freedom' medal, and this was much appreciated by the 80-plus members and guests who attended. Samantha went on to talk in great detail about Emily Davison and the suffering she and other suffragettes suffered for their cause. She talked of  the self-starvation campaign that the suffragettes undertook and how the authorities force-fed them.

Simon Card, chairman, said: "Samantha's storytelling was wonderful, she really brought the character to life and didn't spare us the details of how the women were force-fed and the details of when Emily was run over by the King's horse at the Derby, subsequently dying from her injuries, we all learnt a great deal more about the women's movement".

Following the talk, the club held its AGM. The chairman reported that the club had a really successful year following the challenges of the last two or three years. Although the club had lost a number of members over the year, membership was rising and now stands at over 100, but the most important matter to report is the attendance of members over the last season which has often reached well into the 80s.

He then reported on the wide range of speakers the club had enjoyed over the 2023/4 season, from Ron Hutchison who was a chauffeur for the Royal Family to Alex Leger on his time at the heart of the wonderful - and greatly loved by many - Blue Peter, along with Robert Hesketh who spoke about surnames in Devon and beyond, Brian Golding from Sidmouth who addressed members on the challenges of weather forecasting, and Anthony Venning who spoke of the life and loves of Samuel Pepys.

Carol Ireton, Treasurer, gave a report on the finances which were in good order and Keith Northover informed members and guests on the programme of speakers for the 2024-25 season: 

October 15: Chris Wiseman, RAF Exeter
November 19: David Smith, An Omani Experience
December 17: Brenda Loosemore, Christmas Crackers
January 21: Todd Gray, Exeter and Empire
February 18: Neil Hanson, Ghostwriters
March 18: Tom Griffiths, Sailing in the Atlantic and West Indies

The committee for 2023/4 was re-elected for the coming year and Simon Card thanked everybody for their support, wishing them well for the summer and looking forward to seeing them again in October. He also thanked the Victoria Hotel for once again providing such good service to the club over the year.