The true value of Sidmouth Repair Café has been illustrated by figures for the year 2023-24, produced by Community Action Groups Devon (CAG).

The data shows that the Repair Café prevented 1,219 tonnes of waste, avoided 0.775 tonnes of carbon emissions and saved consumers £8,138.39. The time given by its volunteers is valued at £14,354.12.

The calculations are based on data collected by the Repair Cafe's Welcome Team after each session. Ron Peppin, another member of the Repair Cafe team, inputs the data online, and CAG Devon produces statistics showing the impact.

CAG Devon is an organisation that supports a wide range of sustainable community projects, and Sidmouth Repair Cafe is one of its members.

A spokesperson said:  “We are incredibly proud of what our CAG Devon groups are achieving. They are making a considerable impact on reducing waste in Devon and encouraging other members of their community to live more sustainably.

“Perhaps less quantifiable but equally important is the impact these groups are having on community cohesion and wellbeing – giving people an opportunity to spend time together, learn new skills, and get to know their neighbours a little better. We magnify this impact, by helping local community action groups to establish and organise themselves, promote their activities, learn and share skills, and support each other as they grow.”

The next Sidmouth Repair Café takes place on Saturday, March 30, at Sidmouth Youth Centre, Manstone Lane.