Over 20 cases of cryptosporidiosis have been recorded following the emergence of a diarrhoea-type waterborne disease in Devon. As a result, many people have been left unsure of what to do, should they contract the illness.

Therefore, Dr Donald Grant, GP and Senior Clinical Advisor at The Independent Pharmacy has shared important medical advice on how to treat symptoms of diarrhoea and suggested over-the-counter treatments that can alleviate side effects of the illness.

Common symptoms of diarrhoea 

Dr Grant said: “With cases of cryptosporidiosis arising in Devon, it’s important to be aware of the common side effects of the illness and how to treat it. This disease has stemmed from parasite-contaminated water, with residents being advised to boil any water before consuming it. 

“Firstly, it’s crucial to understand the symptoms that come with diarrhoea. Common side effects include abdominal cramps due to a change in intestinal activity, urgent bowel movements and bloating. It can also drastically increase dehydration, meaning consuming (safe) water is a necessity in order to reduce the effects and improve health.

“While healthy people should recover in time, the illness can prove risky for those with poor immune systems. Therefore, I recommend seeking urgent medical attention should symptoms worsen.”

Treating diarrhoea through medicine and diet

Dr. Grant said: “Although diarrhoea is far from ideal, it can be treated with appropriate medication and dietary awareness. Various treatments are available that can assist with reducing the effects of the illness and returning people to normal health.

“For those suffering from symptoms following the cryptosporidiosis outbreak, I recommend Imodium Instant Melts. These tablets contain the active ingredient, loperamide hydrochloride, and dissolve on the tongue - providing relief in as little as one hour after ingesting.

“Additionally, another effective medication I recommend is the FyboCalm Diarrhoea Relief Capsules which provide long-lasting relief from symptoms. This treatment includes the ingredient, Xyloglucan, naturally derived from pea protein and tamarind seeds. It actively targets abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence, making it an effective treatment for diarrhoea.

“My final medication recommendation is Dioralyte Sachets, which can be taken with other diarrhoea treatments. These sachets help replace lost fluids and restore hydration, helping the body better combat diarrhoea and quickly return to a normal state. Dioralyte is available in blackcurrant or natural flavourings and adults are recommended to take 1-2 sachets after a loose bowel movement.

“Overall, diet can play a big part in reducing the effects of diarrhoea. I suggest avoiding fatty and highly seasoned foods and instead opting for light alternatives such as rice, toast or bananas. If your symptoms continue to worsen or fail to alleviate, it’s important to book a visit with your GP for further advice.”