Sidmouth Voluntary Services is gearing up celebrate 50 years of service to the local community this year but is on the lookout for extra help.

Chairman Hilary Hatherley said they have had to dip deep into their savings over the last two years to pay for urgent repair work to their home at Twyford House.

She said this has made it difficult to maintain the service’s very low costs to its clients and users of the buildings and transport services.

But Hilary also highlighted the improvements the new roof and paintwork had made, as well as the new bus bought in 2010 to provide many residents with opportunities for shopping trips and outings.

The chairman said: “The shopping trips are becoming increasingly popular.

“At the moment we run four trips a week and hope in the near future to run a fifth.”

The service is looking for more volunteer drivers help take residents to the town centre, Waitrose, Lidl and Tesco supermarkets.

She said: “One bus is kept busy every day with collecting and returning clients to the luncheon club but unfortunately the third bus, used for shopping and outings, needs to be replaced soon.”

They also had to spend money fixing subsidence they discovered when installing a new kitchen last year.

Hilary wanted to thank Sheelagh Pearson for her many years of service as the transport organiser as Judy Greene takes over the role.

And she said Sidmouth Voluntary Services is looking for a new Honorary Treasurer as the previous incumbent had died.

She said: “The position is not an arduous one as our book keeper Mrs Jean Shaw, efficiently deals with all the day to day running of the charity, but we do urgently need a Treasurer as a mentor and overall consultant.”

Looking ahead to a half-century of work this year, Hilary concluded: “We are very grateful to all our helpers with the lunches and coffee making and to all the organisations that hire our various rooms.

“Without their support we should not be able to continue the good work which is much appreciated by those who use it.”