Around 175,000 recipients of free bus travel in Devon will get their renewed passes next month without having to re-apply, saving tax-payers £125,000.

Devon County Council (DCC) has been promoting a campaign since March last year, encouraging residents to only get in contact if the details for their pass have changed and need updating.

Around 13,000 have done so, and have already received their new passes, but the rest will be issued automatically by district area, starting in East Devon, which has the most passholders.

Councillor Stuart Hughes, DCC cabinet member for highways and transportation, said: “Devon has more concessionary pass holders than any other county council, with passes being held by nearly 25 per cent of Devon’s population.

“We have sought to minimise the cost of the renewal by posting the new National Bus Pass directly to existing holders without the need for them to reapply. This has saved the county council around £125,000 in costs.”