HIGHLY anticipated proposals for a Sainsbury s in Ottery St Mary have taken a major step forward with the submission of a formal planning application to East Devon District Council.

HIGHLY anticipated proposals for a Sainsbury's in Ottery St Mary have taken a major step forward with the submission of a formal planning application to East Devon District Council.

Developed over the past 12 months, the plans include a bespoke foodstore that has been designed so it is sensitive to the character of the Conservation Area, along with a free shoppers' car park on Hind Street.

The scheme aims to attract the vast majority of residents doing their main food shop outside Ottery, as well as bring choice and competition to an area dominated by other foodstore operators. The free shoppers' car park has also been incorporated to encourage people to link their Sainsbury's trip with visits to other retailers since the proposed foodstore is just 50 metres from the town centre.

Read more about Sainsbury's and Tesco's plans and Ottery's store wars in tomorrow's Herald.