MERGING three Sidmouth schools is about “putting children first”- say their headteachers.

MERGING three Sidmouth schools is about “putting children first”- say their headteachers.

“Changes have got to be made and we think this is the way to do it,” said Sidmouth Infants headteacher Hilary Williams. “It’s a means for us to have a high standard of education across Sidmouth for all children.”

All Saints head Viv Craig added: “It’s all about putting children first. To maintain or improve provision has been our driving force. On the ground, for the children, there wouldn’t be any strangeness- it’s slightly different but not unrecognisable.

“There will still be children in Sidmouth, at the same three sites, with the same staff dealing with them,” she added.

“This is about a cohesive and coherent education for the children from Reception class to Year Six,” said St Nick’s head Paul Walker. Heads said cutting out “duplication” and one combined curriculum in one school for children aged from four to 11 will free up resources and lead to a more “flexible” staffing structure.

They added difficulty in recruiting members for their governing bodies and parent teacher associations added to the move.

l THE future of Sidbury Primary School, currently partnered with St Nick’s, is a “totally different issue” and separate consultation will take place - said headteacher Mr Walker.