A controversial plan to create 17 new holiday cottages near Branscombe has been revived and recommended for approval.

The proposal at Stoneleigh Country Holidays in Weston was originally submitted in 2008 and attracted criticism over the scale of the development, but a decision was never finalised after it was deferred for site inspection.

Now, three years on, due to the present economic climate the applicant has scaled back the proposed alterations and extensions to the bar and pool facility at the holiday park, and subject to a section 106 agreement (which is money a developer gives to the council for increased strain on services), the plans are recommended for approval at Tuesday’s district council meeting.

The report by EDDC planning officers said the proposals were less ambitious, but they were no less acceptable than previously.

EDDC’s ‘Development Management’ committee will rule on the plans on Tuesday’s meeting at Knowle in Sidmouth, starting at 2pm.