Shocked onlookers couldn’t believe their eyes when an elderly driver motored down a pedestrianised Sidmouth street – and allegedly told them he was on his way to the opticians.

The man had tried to navigate the footpath from East Street to High Street on Wednesday morning, and became trapped between the bollards at either end.

Letting agent Robert Morris was bemused to see the vehicle driving past his office when he only normally sees walkers and went to help.

“Thank God that bollard was there or he would have driven straight into High Street,” he said.

“It’s lucky nobody was injured – it was early enough that it wasn’t that busy.”

Mr Morris said the man spent around 10 minutes trying to squeeze his car between the bollards before finally turning off his engine.

The business owner called the police for assistance as he said the man had damaged ‘every conceivable’ panel on the car.

“I’ve never seen driving like it,” he said.

Eyewitness Toby Tucker reported hearing a loud bang as the car struck the post, and was one of many bystanders observing the scene unfold.

“He said he just wanted to get to his opticians appointment,” said Mr Tucker.

Police soon arrived and breathalysed the man, but he was not found to be over the limit for alcohol. A spokesman said the only damage was to the man’s vehicle, so he was given advice about driving with greater care and sent on his way.