An informal poll on the part-pedestrianisation of Sidmouth has found that most respondents wanted the current traffic arrangements to stay in place.

The poll appeared in the online version of the Herald and on our Facebook page.

It asked: “Should the part-pedestrianisation of Sidmouth Town Centre be retained?”

Participants could choose from three responses.

Of the 65 respondents, 43 chose the answer ‘Yes, I like it as it is’. Nine chose ‘Yes, but with different hours for the road closures’, and 13 opted for ‘No - open the streets to traffic again’.

Sidmouth Town Council and Chamber of Commerce have already surveyed the businesses trading in the roads currently closed to traffic for most of the day.

Members of the council’s tourism and economy committee agreed last month that local residents and visitors should also be asked for their views, to help the planning for a more permanent partial pedestrianisation scheme.