Jumble needed for Sidmouth royal jubilee fun day organisers

JUMBLE is needed for a fund raising sale to help pay for a fun event to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in Sidmouth.

After the success of the royal wedding event at Manstone Football Club last August, Di Collings and friends are planning the knees-up at Manstone for Monday, June 4, and have organised a number of money-making events to fund it.

Di’s daughter, Emma Adam, said she would be happy to arrange for collection of jumble in time for the jumble sale at the football club on Saturday, March 17, from 10am.

If you can help, please call Emma on 01395 514986.

She is also happy to hear from anyone who has ideas of what they would like to do to celebrate the Queen’s jubilee.

Plans so far include a Sidmouth’s Got Talent show, a tea dance for older residents and a bouncy castle, together with food and, hopefully a treasure hunt.

Di wants to raise �1,000 so people who attend don’t have to pay for such things as the bouncy castle.

Next fundraiser is a bingo evening at the football club on Friday, April 6, from 8pm.