Trumps owner sensed customer was after money from till

SIDMOUTH shopkeeper Jackie Feeney foiled an attempt to rob her till in Trump’s last week.

Jackie, who with husband Mark have run the historic Fore Street grocers and coffee shop for six years, sensed something was wrong when a man asked for takeaway food.

“We don’t normally do that, but I made it and he asked for a receipt. I thought it was funny so I gave him his �3 back to get rid of him.

“I said if he didn’t go I would call the police. I think he was after me to open the till so he could take the money. He then grabbed money from the tip jar.

“I grabbed his arm but couldn’t keep hold of him and then two lovely customers chased after him and he went to the swimming pool.”

Jackie, who described the man as 5’5” or 5’6” tall with bushy eyebrows, short brown hair and wearing baggy jeans and a dark jumper, has reported the incident to the police.

The coffee shop customers who witnessed the incident, kindly replaced the tip money stolen.