I know now that I badly overdid it, but I just had to be there when friends held a coffee morning last Friday for the charity.

It was party time again, though not on the scale of the all-afternoon fundraiser that saw Sidmouth’s caring community contribute a magnificent £3,500 for the cause of raising public awareness of the symptoms to save lives through earlier diagnosis of one of the most lethal of all cancers.

Not surprisingly, I came home shattered. Too weak to lift myself off the toilet seat, I twice collapsed onto the floor unable to get out except by crawling through the door on my hands and knees. Monica couldn’t lift me, so thank goodness my son-in-law was there to get me up on my feet.

Never mind, it’s what they say you have to expect in my condition. Good days and bad days. You’ll feel better tomorrow!

Now, as a lifelong lover of traditional jazz, it certainly was a good day when, recently, I sang my favourite song, What A Wonderful World, in my best Louis ‘Satchmo’ Armstrong voice with Pete Allen - one of Britain’s top performers of trad.

‘I see trees of green, red roses too, I see them all, for me and for you...’

How I love the simple words in that opening line...But I have digressed, haven’t I, from those good days and bad days...

After my little toilet emergency, I was much better that evening thanks to Sidmouth Hospiscare and the Rapid Response team from NHS Eastern Devon. Once they had been alerted, they quickly had a seat support and a bedside commode in place. Problem solved, at least for now...

More help is on the way. An occupational therapist from Devon Social Services has been to identify home disability and safety aids. A shower seat and a shower half-step was delivered and later a special mattress to top-up my bed for extra comfort.

What a fine example of care in the community. I cannot speak too highly of everyone involved in my treatment. You couldn’t get better anywhere. As for my general wellbeing, I confess to a listless, downward spiral. Not too bad, but it’s there. That pain we call Mr Sneaky is still up to his old tricks. For how long, who knows? But, with the uplifting support of Hospiscare, family, friends, Herald and cyber readers, I’m determined to stay positive, persevere, be here for Christmas and see that host of golden daffodils bloom once again in my garden in spring.