The Badminton Club at Wadham School in Crewkerne has updated their times for 2024.

They will now run from 6-8pm on Wednesdays, still at Wadham School.

A new midweek badminton club has started at the sports centre, Wadham School in Crewkerne.

Running from 5-7pm on Wednesdays, all are welcome for one or both hours. The cost for one hour is £4 and £7 for two hours. The club also offers a discount for juniors, which will hopefully encourage the next generation of talent to experience this fantastic sport.

The session is 'no strings', so there's no need to book or join, just turn up and play. For details, please call Ben Hartshorn on 07497 477817.

If you have never tried badminton before, or are returning to the game, the added benefits are endless. Badminton is a genuine all-body workout, with the variety of movements harnessing all the muscles. It is a sport that combines skill and strategy with fitness and agility. On top of all that, the social benefits are equally fantastic.