A great score of 40 stableford points in the County Prize at Sidmouth Golf Club Ladies was enough for Penny Anderson to secure victory. Mandy Furniss was second with a good score of 37 with Yvonne Anning in third place with a very respectable 36 points.

The Lady Captain’s Day, unfortunately, had to be deferred due to poor weather conditions but the lovely buffet went ahead and the golf and prize giving will now be on the August 9. A big thank-you to Susan Hackett, our Lady Captain, for the lovely generous buffet, supplied by David of Coast to Coast.

A glorious warm and dry day greeted the Sue Bawden Salver competition, played in three balls with two scores to count. The winners with a great score of 77 points were Marian Andrews, Heather Cowan and Susan Hackett. Presentation of the salver will be in the future at the Annual Prizegiving.