The indoor season finishes with gents v ladies and the Final Drive.

The gents v ladies is a very friendly but highly competitive game played over two sessions, with the aggregate score counting.

In past years, we ladies having that 'gentle touch' have been the victors many times.

However, checking up on last years results, we had just one ladies winning rink of the five played.

The aggregate score was a disaster for us being 89 - 65.

This year was a little better, but once again we only won on one rink of the six played, but on the positive side we did have three more rinks that lost by just one shot each.

So had they just scored another two shots each, we ladies would have won on four of the six rinks.

They were skipped by Sue Turner, Marie Timms and Jill Bishop.

All three were low scores so obviously very good games.

The aggregate score this time being 95 to the men and 82 to the ladies.

Our ladies winning rink was Sheila Palmer, Linda Knight, Carol Timms and skip Carol Smith, again a very low scoring game at 13 - 11.

The men's top rink was Brian Deam, Derek Mountford, Phil Meadows and skip David Timms 18 - 10 .

A great day with lots of banter and laughter, then to finish with a little celebration drink for the men's victory.

So once again 'tongue in cheek' well done to the men, we ladies must try harder next year.

Sidmouth Herald:

Then came the Final Drive.

Some 58 players turned out for this and it was played over three sessions.

A really good day, the top team of the day were from the morning session and they were Brian Deam, Derek Mountford and skip Jill Bishop with a great plus score of 28.

The winners of the afternoon session were Christine Ward, Deborah Robertson, Ian Dudley and skip Paul Irvine with plus 7.

Then the late afternoon winners were Lynn Flavell, Vic Clark, Nick Coles and skip Scott Archer with a plus 11.

I hear they all kept the bar busy after the game.

That's now the end of the indoor for this season, so we must give our thanks to Paul , Sue, Marie and their indoor committee and many others who make it all possible.