Sidmouth Bowls Club started a wonderful sunny week with their first away mixed friendly game at Feniton.

Of the four triples, we lost on two rinks and won on two.

The two winning rinks scoring enough shots for an overall win of Sidmouth 58 to Fenitons 56.

So a very close and very friendly enjoyable afternoon.

Our top trio was John Buttigieg, Phil Meadows and skip Jane Painter 18-8.

Closely followed by Mary Meadows, Paddy Chew and skip Mike Borst 17-9.

Sidmouth Herald:

Next another mixed away friendly, this time at Axminster.

For those that have not played at Axminster before, it probably came as quite a shock to see it wasn't grass but outdoor carpet.

This obviously made it a bit tricky as it was very fast, hence an overall loss of 33-62.

I believe this is the only outdoor carpet green in East Devon, also going back many years, from what I remember there was also a carpet green in Dartmouth.

However the triple of Ron Peppin, Jerome Hagen and Anita Mason were at teatime 3-9 down, but as so often happens they clawed their way back to finish a very respectable draw at 13-13 to save a whitewash .

Our third mixed friendly, this time on home ground was against our neighbours from Seaton.

This was four full rinks.

Although winning on three of the four rinks, the score was very close with Seaton the victors by five shots overall at 63 to Sidmouth's 58.

A great very friendly sunny afternoon playing against our friends and neighbours.

Our only winning rink was Lynn Pike, Chas Coates, Mick Cox and skip Sue Turner 20-12.

Sidmouth Herald:

On Sunday morning it was a more serious game against Honiton.

This was a National Knockout Competition named after a very famous bowler, Tony Allcock.

The format of this competition is two mixed rinks played over 18 ends, and the best combined score going forward to the next round.

We had the advantage of a home draw so in with a chance.

However it was not to be as we lost on both rinks, strangely with identical scores of Sidmouth 14 Honiton 19.

So overall Sidmouth 28 Honiton 38.

It was an excellent match to watch with some great bowling on both sides.

Finally on Sunday afternoon we had a couple of hours fun with our friends and family members.

The thunderstorm that was forecast must have missed sunny Sidmouth by a mile, as in the afternoon we had brilliant sunshine and you could tell by the laughter lots of people were really enjoying themselves.

Some 30 people turned up and all of our coaches helped them along.

Later into the clubhouse for a cup of tea - or something stronger.