It won’t be long now before Axminster Drama Club’s production of Annie hits the Axminster Guildhall stage.

As well as a brilliant cast working hard, there is also a small army of unsung hero’s working hard in the background to ensure we have a set, propos and costumes.

At the first production meeting producers Sara and Eileen presented their vision for the set. After a few ums and ahs, furrowed brows, sighs, and a few unspoken “oh not again” from around the table our plan began to take shape!

So, to the technical genius of Tony Fess add three men, a garage, and endless cups of tea supplied by one long suffering wife and what do you get? … A revolutionary set never seen before on the Axminster Stage!

This has now been transported to the Plaza so that our set artists can weave their magic, and the said long-suffering wife is now very pleased to have her garage back!

Add to this an almost perfect replication of President Roosevelt’s wheelchair (which he had designed himself) adapted by a couple of cast members during a Sunday rehearsal, an array of props, including a ventriloquist’s dummy, and costumes for a cast of over 50, all carefully researched to portray the 1930’s when the show is set, you can be assured of a great and entertaining night out.

So, get yourselves along to Archway Bookshop in Axminster and book your tickets now or call (01297) 33595, or (01404) 831089 after hours. Annie is only in town from June 30, to July 2, you won’t want to miss it!