Ottery St Mary Primary School have been rated 'Good' at their latest Ofsted inspection.

The school had the inspectors in on February 8, and the report was published on the Ofsted website on March 31. 

The report said that: "Pupils, parents and staff describe the school as welcoming and vibrant. Bullying is rare and that pupils feel safe."

In English and Maths, "children begin to recognise sounds as soon as they join the early years. Leaders provide ongoing training that helps staff to deepen their knowledge of the school’s approach to phonics.

"Staff identify pupils who struggle to read. Pupils receive the support they need to catch up quickly. Teachers regularly read to pupils. Pupils read books that are closely matched to their reading ability.

"Children get off to a flying start in the early years. They know the school routines and how teachers expect them to behave. Pupils build a strong understanding of number. This prepares them well for future learning in mathematics. Staff ask questions during learning that help children build on what they already know."

Pupils with SEND receive the support they need to learn well. Leaders make regular checks on the progress pupils make towards their target

Teachers were also commended on regular safeguarding training gives staff the depth of understanding they need to remain vigilant. Staff identify, record and report concerns in a timely manner. Leaders leave no stone unturned when taking action to support vulnerable pupils and their families.

The report did say that the school needed to improve: "In some subjects, teachers do not use assessment effectively to understand what pupils know and can do. Some pupils develop gaps in their knowledge. This makes it hard for them to remember their learning over time. Leaders need to ensure that teachers use assessment to precisely identify gaps in pupils’ knowledge and adapt further learning. This will help pupils to know and remember more."

If a school is rated good, they undergo an Ofsted inspection every four years.

You can read the full report on the Ofsted website here -