Sidbury Church of England Primary School has been rated 'good' at its latest Ofsted inspection.

Inspectors say that 'Sidbury Church of England Primary School is a happy place which has polite and kind pupils'.

The report says that the teachers give the pupils a 'well-sequenced, ambitious curriculum'.

They read books which staff match precisely to the sounds that they know.

The school teaches English well, which allows pupils to become fluent readers quickly.

In addition to learning phonics, pupils read high-quality texts. Staff help them to experience and enjoy stories from a range of authors and eras.

The report said that the school needs to improve on "ensuring they check what pupils know consistently well in all areas of the curriculum. This means that in some subjects, pupils do not build on what they already know".

It said: "Staff do not always insist that pupils take pride in the quality of their work. This leads to pupils making careless errors which impede their future learning. All staff should be clear about the expectations they have of pupils."

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) thrive. Leaders identify pupils’ needs swiftly and provide precise support. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Pupils attend extra-curricular clubs regularly, such as archery, singing and sewing. The wide range of clubs match their interests. Older pupils also make use of the communal garden in site, which teaches pupils about nature. 

Sidbury Church of England Primary School is part of Ventrus multi-academy trust. The school is a voluntary-controlled primary school. The last inspection took place in 2017. The proportion of pupils with an education, health and care plan is higher than is typical nationally. The school does not use any alternative providers.

If a school is rated good by Ofsted, they undergo a small follow up inspection every year and a full inspection every four. The school has been consitiently good between now and its last inspection.

You can read the full Ofsted inspection on their website here -