St Peter’s Church in Sidford will be holding an open afternoon, where you can find out all you’ve ever wanted to know about funerals.

Taking place on Saturday, October 14 at 3.30pm.  Do come and hear from a funeral director, a vicar, a hospital chaplain and have an opportunity to ask any questions.

This is a free event and refreshments will be provided. Built in the 1860s as a chapel of ease, the Church of St. Peter is the largest building in Sidford and is one of the two churches in the parish of Sidbury with Sidford.  It is a typical Victorian brick building intended to be a church at the heart of the community.  The fellowship at St. Peter’s see this as being both their heritage and their vision. The worship reflects a wide range of spirituality and taste, following the Common Worship book.

It is open to anyone who wants to find out more about death, dying and funerals, but may not be suitable for the recently bereaved or those particularly struggling with grief at the moment.